Friday, October 15, 2021

Writing a Cover Letter

 Please, write a Cover Letter applying for your dream job.

Try to use the fixed expressions below.

You have 15 minutes. 

  1. I am seeking

  2. Please find attached

  3. I am available

  4. The requirements you mention

  5. I am writing in response to

  6. Do not hesitate to

  7. The job attracted me

  8. I look forward to hearing from you

  9. You will see from my resume that

  10. Thank you for taking time to consider...

Monday, October 11, 2021

Descriptive Language


Describe a place to live

 1. Choose the place you live now, a place you have lived before, or a place you would like to live in the future.

2. Write a paragraph about it. Don't forget to add as many details as possible.

3. Click submit/publish

Writing: an online comment

 Write   two comments on my blog. You must include reasons to support your ideas and experiences.  The first topic is: "I hate cell ph...